Ok, I don't know about you guys, but I have been eating white flour and junk lately and I feel achy and soar. This stuff is awful. Going back to good food. Whole grains, fruits and veggies.
Living Thriving Etc

Let's Get Cooking
Man those organic beef burgers with the potatoes buns were fantastic. Clean ingredients is so much tastier. Thank you hubby and Jason. Green beans and salad with it was perfect. Challenge to find your favorite organic ground beef.
Thank you Cindy for the banana recipe. I love it. ❤️
Challenge this week. Change 1 bad sweet for a fruity clean yummy. Try this amazing recipe my friend passed onto me. 1 mashed banana, 1 tblspn cocoa powder, 1 tbl spn nut butter of choice, 1/8 tspn baking soda. Mash it all together really good. Pop in the oven until cooked. Will fit 1 or 2 muffin holes. You can add a chunk of chocolate to the top before cooking if you like. It is dreamy. Try it and let me know what you think below.
Our goal is to start contests and challenges in October. If you would like to be apart of it, or know someone who is a chef or great home cook who would like to earn LT cash, please contact me.