As we go through this journey called life, we often stop and ponder the times and seasons we have walked through.
Was it by chance or was it a choice?
Reflecting, it was definitely by choice.
Making the right choices and the numerous wrong ones.
You see..
I was going through life believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. I got saved and I knew He loved me.
I thought, hey I got my “get out of hell free card”, so I can do whatever I want.
I’m under Grace. Once saved always saved.
So I continue living MY life as I always had before. Doing whatever I wanted, thinking that this is ok cause I’m saved. I went to the bar, listened to rock n roll and partied on the weekends. Then went to church, listen to preaching and teaching saying Amen! I had the best of both worlds. I had it made and I was doing good.
Not realizing, that in order to be really be saved, you must lay down your life, deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow the Lord. (Matthew 16:24)
What is really sad is, I was going to a Bible believing church, who knew I was living in this condition, but they said “Your ok, you are saved, Jesus forgives you”.
Because I was helping at church doing all the stuff they needed help with, so they wouldn’t tell me the truth.
But that's not love.
Telling the truth no matter how it may feel, that is love.
14 years ago while I was going to that church, thinking I am all good, I can do whatever I want, because God's Grace is covering me.
Once saved always saved.
What is called Hyper Grace.
I got into a terrible car wreck and I died at the scene and was brought back to life.
I didn’t have a near death experience, that I am aware of, but got greatly hurt. And for all these years I am still walking out these healings.
Truly the hardest times in my life.
And by God’s abundant Mercies, He saved my life in the car wreck.
The Lord showed me in a dream vision, how I was laying upside down in the damaged truck, and an Angel was holding my spirit inside my body. The Angel had has his hands holding my spirit man inside my belly so it wouldn’t fly out.
The devil tried to kill me, because the devil knew he had me and I would of went straight to hell, BUT God intervened.
The Lord revealed to me, if God hadn’t sent His Angel to hold my spirit inside my body, I would of went straight to hell.
But by God’s Tender Mercies and His Great Love, He had mercy on my soul, to give me another chance. To live the life that His Son Jesus Christ paid for us to have.
I wasn’t living the life, the good ole Book, the Bible was telling us to live.
I was listening to the wrong teachings telling me, I was ok, when I was definitely not ok.
Now the Lord is teaching me His Truth in His Word.
This is why I am sharing this with you. Because if you are like I was, and I was a Christian going to church and doing the stuff thinking I was ok. But I want to tell you the truth so you don’t ever have to go to hell and you can spend eternity with the Lord Jesus.
I am calling out the lie’s of Hyper Grace and the saying, "once saved always saved."
Those are lies!
Repent and get your heart right with the Lord Jesus! Learn the Truth of God's Word for your lives.
Its Real, Heaven and hell.
And the choice is ours. Free will.
Please choose wisely. I say this in pure humble love to you.
I care, that this doesn’t happen to someone else.
Maybe this is the reason why the Lord saved me so I can warn you.
The Truth, the Bible says,
1 Peter 1 :16- Be Holy for I am (God) holy.
I truly misunderstood what Grace truly means.
It isn’t a license for us to be able to sin.
NO thats a teaching straight from the pit of hell.
God’s Grace is the power that helps us to say NO to sin!
Hyper Grace is contrary to this.
Romans 6:1-4 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? 3 Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Jesus died for all sins.
If we will fall on our face in repentance and receive HIs Salvation.
We cannot continue to live in sin.
Our sin nature has been taken away.
We cannot continue to live a life of sin, as the Hyper-Grace says.
NO! Get away from these wrong doctrine churches.
Run far-far Away from them.
You see, the devil got a hold of those teachings and he is deceiving sooo many people, who go to these churches and they are believing a lie.
We should no longer live in sin because we have died unto Christ death.
Since the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead breaking the power of sin, we are no longer held by the cords of sin or enslaved to it, No More!
We have been set free!
John 8:36- If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.
Since the Resurrection, Christ Jesus now lives in us now.
We should walk in Newness of Life.
No more past life, that life is in the grave.
You are now a New Creation in Christ Jesus
(1 Corinthians 5:17)
As the Lord Jesus Christ lives in you, within you, inside you.
We are transported back into the very place where Adam stood with God before he sinned. Back into fellowship with God.
But its even better, because now Christ Jesus lives inside us.
We tabernacle with God who lives in us.
So how has this effected my life now?
Now that I am living my life completely sold out to the Lord, I am more happy than ever.
Yes, I die daily to my selfish desires.
I deny myself, pick up my cross and follow the Lord.
Ohhhh but the Joy I am experiencing in this exchange is life changing.
I have the greatest peace and joy that is not of this world, it is honestly the best time of my life because I truly have the Lord in my life. He is Real and He is supernatural and it is purely amazing. I am sooo in love with Him!
Everyday life is fun and exciting now.
I want to live and to know Him more and more everyday.
So, YES! He is worth it.
And He rewards you beyond your wildest dreams with His Kingdom supernaturally coming into your daily life.
You will not be missing anything, No Way!
You will gain the greatest gift, a real relationship with the Creator of the Universe, Your Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of the Living God.
This is what true life is all about!
Heavenly Blissful!
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We offer this to help you thrive in your faith. The opinions, comments and services provided through these ministries are not representative of Living Thriving Etc LLC. We do not endorse or adhere to information you receive through these ministries. Know you must decide for yourself what is true and right for your life and these are only options for you to enquire of information on Faith and Hope offered by these ministries.

Thank you for sharing more of your testimony. Such an incredible journey! There's so much more for Him to amaze you with his goodness as you walk out the surrendered life for Him. HE is so good!!!!